Elderberry flower syrup

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Today I’ve made elderberry flower syrup. I’ll leave the recipe I use here…maybe some of you will want to try it.Most people prefer elderberry syrup that is made out of berries, but I prefer the one that is made from flower heads. It’s a mild and sweet syrup that mixes with water and makes a wonderful cold beverage during hot days. 
Here is the recipe I use:
– 30 elderberry flowerheads
– 3 liters of water
– 3 kilos of sugar (6.6 pounds)
– 8 dkg of citric acid

Pick 30 elderberry flowers. The best time is after the rain so they are clean.
Sunk flowers in 3 liters of water, add 8 dkg of citric acid, and leave it overnight. You can also add 1 or 2 lemons

After 24 hours strain the syrup. You will get bright yellow syrup after straining. If you don’t like little flowers floating in your drink you can strain it again using gauze.

In clean syrup add 3 kg of sugar. Put syrup on the stove and heat it up till it boils. Boil it for 10 minutes. Reduce the temperature so it stays warm but it doesn’t boil.While the syrup is boiling wash bottles and put them in the oven at 120°C to sterilize them.
When the syrup boils pour it into the bottles. Watch your fingers…it’s really hot. Close the bottles and you’ve got your own elderberry syrup.
30 flower heads and 3kg of sugar should give you around 5 bottles of syrup. I got 10 bottles from 60 flower heads so the amount is double.

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