My favorite recipes

  • A Quick Mixed Veggie and Pork Lunch


    Cooking every day makes me try new recipes or at least different variations of well-known meals. Usually, I think of a meal from what I can find in the refrigerator and freezer. This lunch was the result of a zucchini…

  • Monday Baking: Weekly Buns


    Croatians love bread. We eat it every day, and almost every meal contains some kind of bread. So when you don’t have the opportunity to buy fresh bread every day it’s time to get creative. Baking Bread At Home Living…

  • Homemade chicken burger


    Buying groceries for a whole month requires lots of planning. Usually, I roughly plan all our meals, especially Sunday lunches. But sometimes, I just decide to change the plans at the last minute and make something different. Past Sunday was…

  • Lazy Sunday lunch: All-in-one tray


    My Sunday lunch is always something a bit special. I cook almost every day, but Sunday is the only day in the week when meat is half of our menu. During the week, I make mostly stews, pasta, rice, or…

  • Mini buhtle- sweet jam and chocolate buns


    Croats love their dough. We eat bread every day and dough cakes are a part of our everyday life. We like it sweet, salty, with vegetables, jam, and meat in any way we can. Bakeries are everywhere, almost every village…