I don’t have enough room…again

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The seedling season has just started and I’ve already got space issues. This year we only place in working order one of the germination boxes because we came to the conclusion that my old green coffin is just too old for it to be a proper LED heated germination box. So we decided to wait for next year, demolish this one and build a proper one. This means that we didn’t build the shelf box and now I lack the space. 

I had to transplant my peppers from the joined space to separate containers to make room for tomatoes. 
I have had the same situation with peppers like the last couple of years. Botinečka pepper is just not growing. It’s been over a month now and I have 5 seedlings. 

I can now say with certainty that this is the last time that I’m sowing this pepper. I have no idea what they did with the seeds but this is starting to be ridiculous. 2 bags and 5 seedlings is just embarrassing. I will be sowing bell peppers and chili peppers and that’s it.

As for the tomatoes, due to the corona I didn’t get the chance to order my non-woven seedling bags on Ali so now I don’t have enough. I’ve planned to sow 200 seedlings but I’ve sown only 175 since that is the amount of bags I have left from last year (I have 90 bags- 2 seedlings per bag). I will have to order more for next year as soon as they start shipping.

The rest of the varieties like cabbages, flowers, melons have not been planted yet and I first have to decide where I’ll place them. I had a plan to place them in a covered greenhouse on my balcony but due to the snow, we had yesterday I’m not so sure anymore about my idea. I will have to come up with something and soon because my green coffin will never have enough room.

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