We’re still waiting for spring here. The weather has been sunny but really cold. The soil has been completely frozen, and there’s not much that can be done outside. We’ve had no rain in February, but since December and January were extremely wet, we don’t feel any lack of water. On top of everything, I caught a virus again, and I’ve been in bed for most of the weekend.
Although the week has been very cold, we’re starting to see some signs that the spring is close. Snowdrops are showing in warmer areas, and my bulbs are starting to grow leaves. My garden is still completely frozen, and there’s even some snow on it, but we’re close.
Seedling progress
Seedlings in my wardrobe are doing well. The tomatoes, which I’ve sown 2 weeks ago, are slowly growing. The 2 cherry varieties are already growing, and I’m noticing the little green stems in other containers too. Brassicas are already pretty big, and I’m hoping this week I will be able to take them out for the first sunbathing. Onions are quite big too, and they will also go outside soon. I will move them indoors every night. I don’t want them to stop growing.
Right now all of the seedlings are at two book height. My shelves are quite high and seedlings become leggy very easily, so I’ve started placing books under the seedlings to bring them closer to the light. I’ve started with 4 book height and now they are at 2 books. Because of this, I need to take all my seedlings out every 3 days and rearrange them so that all of my seedlings get the ideal amount of sun and heat. I will need to make some permanent solution for this problem next year, but for now, books are working just fine. Luckily I have a lot of them.
Plans for week 7
My plans for this week depend completely on my health. If I feel better I will try and transplant the onions and leeks into bigger containers and prepare them for outdoor sunbathing. Also, I should start with the pruning of the orchard and yard shrubs and trees, which I will be able to do only if I’ll feel good enough. I still don’t feel too good and get a low-grade fever, so I’m taking things slowly this week. But, I’m hoping I will be fine in a day or two. There’s too much work to spend weeks in bed.
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