Seedling progress week 4

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 It has been 4 weeks since I’ve sown my first seeds for this year and a week since I’ve sown my tomatoes. The seedlings are showing and there aren’t many problems with the growth.

The seeds sown in the last week of December have mostly germinated, except for the flowers with a long germination period. Some need over a month to germinate, so we’ll see if there will be any progress soon. Leeks and onions are growing nicely, but are too hot in the seedling closet, so I’ve moved them to the window sill. The seedlings are still a bit slim, but I’m hoping they will soon start growing thicker. 

The flowers that have germinated early, like geraniums, are starting to form first real leaves, and the rest of the flowers are growing nicely. I did have some dead plants, I think I managed to kill them somehow with watering, although I have been very careful not to water on the delicate plants. Next year we’ll need to come up with a solution to water all the plants from the bottom of the pots. It’s safer.

The chili peppers are also starting to grow new leaves and are growing nicely. All of them look healthy, some are smaller, and others are getting fairly big, soon I’ll need to transplant them to bigger pots.

The tomatoes that I’ve sown 10 days ago are starting to show. The first ones to germinate were cherry tomatoes and determinate varieties, and a few days back, the indeterminate varieties started showing. The peppers are also starting to show little green sticks, but haven’t still let out the leaves. 

Although I was worried the temperature on the shelves would be too low, it’s actually starting to get too warm. The night temperatures are till well below zero, but daily temperatures are above the average, and since we’re in the attic the sun heats up the roof and the plants are getting temperatures above 25°C(77°F). 

Next week we should get lower daily temperatures, so the conditions should be better. If not I’ll have a seedling forest in March.

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