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    January sowing in a forest garden


    January, although the coldest month in many countries, can bring us surprises and warm weather. Should we use it and start sowing or do we wait? Garden sowing in…

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    Starting the new indoors sowing season


    Usually, when we read about starting the sowing season everyone keeps talking amount March sowing. But is it really always the best time to start seedlings in March? Or…

  • Side garden progress 16-22.05


     This year, besides the main garden, we’re making a side garden. It has been a lot of work and we still haven’t finished, but we’re making some progress. The…

  • Sowing week


    This year has been very specific when it comes to sowing. Somehow, with cold March all of the vegetables ended up being sown at the same time. There has…

  • Hail and rain


     May always brings violent weather changes. The temperature in May changes within 14 days from early spring mild warmth to summer heat. Showers are very often, and sometimes even…