starting seeds

  • Seedlings week 13: tomato stakes


    When you tell someone that your seedlings need stakes, the first thing you hear is that you’ve sown them too early. But, for me, staking my seedlings is actually the sign that I did something right and that this year,…

  • Seedlings week 12: more sowing


    Things are warming up really fast. From winter temperatures, we’ve jumped to the first day when we don’t need any house heating at all. This morning I didn’t even turn on the air conditioning or the electric radiators. One radiator…

  • Seedling progress week 10: crates are back


      We’re back in winter. Although the days are sunny, temperatures are low, and in combination with the wind, it’s freezing cold. We had only one windless day since the beginning of March, and the rest of the days have…

  • Seedling progress


     It has been 18 days since I’ve sown my seedlings and they are making nice progress. The heating wire and the lights are warming up the shelf without any problems. Until 3 days ago, they were both turned down during…