side garden

  • Side garden steps are here


     Finally, after a long period and lots of work hours, we’ve managed to bring the side garden big jobs near the finish. After demolishing the worksheds, removing the demolition…

  • Side garden progress 16-22.05


     This year, besides the main garden, we’re making a side garden. It has been a lot of work and we still haven’t finished, but we’re making some progress. The…

  • Gravel delivery


    It’s finally here, almost two months later than we planned, the weather allowed us to buy gravel and start finishing the steps and side garden. Initially, we planned to…

  • Windy Easter


    The winds have started again. The Holy weekend has been extremely windy, the temperatures have dropped from cozy 20°C(68°F) to cold 10°C(33°F), the house heating is back on, and…

  • New pea bed


     After a winter break, we finally got the chance to continue working on our side yard. The sight is still very poor and messy, but we’re hoping to start…