
  • Cabbage transplanting


    Although it’s Sunday, today I’ve decided to do some last-minute cabbage planting. I’ve sown some late cabbages in July and today I decided to transplant them just before the…

  • Annual raspberry pruning


    This week we had lots of sun and unusually warm weather so I used it to do as much garden work as I could. The manure has been spread…

  • Homemade berry syrup


    I wanted to share with you our recipe for homemade berry syrup. Basically, it is made out of every fruit that grows in the garden. Recipe:-3 kilos (105. 6 oz)…

  • Pruning raspberries


    Most of the people I know grow them as a bush and cut them in Autumn all the way. They get their raspberry fruits in late Summer. I grow my raspberries…