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    Zucchinis: eating the whole plant


    Zucchinis are usually grown for their delicious fruits, but is the fruit the only edible thing? Or can we eat the whole plant? Zucchinis(courgettes) are a part of almost…

  • Planting new strawberries


     There’s no better way to start the spring than with a new order of seedlings and bulbs. A few weeks ago, I ordered a fairly large amount of goodies…

  • Time to check the house plants


     Growing house plants in a place with no sun is a very difficult task. Even the ones that are usually considered “easy to grow” and don’t require any special…

  • Seeds are coming!


     I’m a bit crazy when it comes to seeds. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I’m a seed addict. I love seeds more than I love actual gardening. What for…

  • Weird pumpkin identified


     A few weeks ago, I’ve noticed a pumpkin-like plant growing next to my rhubarb. I haven’t sown any of my zucchinis or pumpkins here, so I had no idea…