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    January sowing in a forest garden


    January, although the coldest month in many countries, can bring us surprises and warm weather. Should we use it and start sowing or do we wait? Garden sowing in a forest garden Owning a forest garden can be a much…

  • Lavender harvest


    In Croatia, June is usually a Lavender harvest month. In the coastal parts lavender flowers sooner, and in northwestern Croatia we harvest it around the end of June. The lavender isn’t very popular here due to the popular opinion that…

  • Windy Easter


    The winds have started again. The Holy weekend has been extremely windy, the temperatures have dropped from cozy 20°C(68°F) to cold 10°C(33°F), the house heating is back on, and most of the seedlings are back indoors. All we did during…

  • Weird pumpkin identified


     A few weeks ago, I’ve noticed a pumpkin-like plant growing next to my rhubarb. I haven’t sown any of my zucchinis or pumpkins here, so I had no idea which plant it was. When it first started growing I thought…

  • Battle for tomatoes continues


    As soon as we got some colder weather, the tomato diseases activated again. The blight is now spreading even faster than before, and it will be hard to stop. The rain brought us first fogs, and they are usually death…