
  • Don’t water the beans


     Beans are one of the vegetables that are highly stressed during the summer heat. They like warmth and they are very frost sensitive, but when temperatures are too high,…

  • Harvest before the rain


    After the longest heatwave this year that lasted for 10 days, we should be getting some colder air and rain tomorrow. Since the temperatures have been really high, reaching…

  • Harvest Wednesday on Tuesday


    Usually, I harvest every Wednesday. Somehow, this day works for me like a harvest day, but I had to move it to Tuesday this week. This week is very…

  • First tomato harvest- harvest Wednesday


    This week was the first time in this gardening season that I’ve harvested my tomatoes. Although summer has been really hot, the cold spring and slow soil warming had…

  • New plants in the garden


    A week of sun and heat is just enough for the seeds to germinate and show their little leaves. Of course, no plants would be present without everyday watering,…