
When COVID-19 doesn’t change your life too much, but the weather does

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Like most of the European countries, we’ve been quarantined for the past 10 days. The country didn’t declare full quarantine, but the restrictive measures that have been implemented have basically pushed us into quarantine. With the standard measures like keeping social distance, and self-isolation of persons who were in contact with COVID-positive people a week ago, the Civil defense services declared that we’re not allowed to leave our place of residence. 

Here this means we can’t go out of our municipality. 
The problem here is that we have a huge amount of municipalities. Every couple of villages there is another municipality. For example, my municipality has 10 villages with only 2000 residents. Of course, this means that we don’t have many shops or other community buildings that are necessary for a normal life. 
The even bigger problem is that our village was added to our municipality against our will and 90% of people don’t even have a doctor here. For our village, everything we need is now in another municipality in which we’re not allowed to go. To go anywhere we need special permission which is hard to get and only lasts for one trip. Also if we even get permission there is no way to get there if we don’t have a car because public transportation is canceled. 

The first grocery store in our municipality is 5km away and it basically has nothing, only a few essential things. The doctor, petrol station, specialized shops like agricultural shops, tool shops, hardware shops, pharmacy are all in the neighbor municipality 7km away in which were not allowed to go. We’re also not allowed to go to the capital city in our county. The only people that are allowed to travel every day are people who still work. 

Most of the production still works normally so we have a bunch of people that have to go to work but don’t have public transport to get to work. My hubby had the same problem. He still works, he got permission, but he couldn’t get to work because the trains are stopped. So now a colleague is making an extra 25km to pick him up and drive him to work. Luckily he is in the village that has a direct road to our municipality and he can get here without problems, but still, he has to drive much longer because he’s taking the village roads instead of the highway which he would normally take.

When it comes to me, my life didn’t change much. You could call me a highly introverted person(and that’s an understatement). My whole life I’ve been highly uncomfortable around strangers, I’ve always hated crowded and public places where many people can be found. Situations like that give me panic attacks and make me exhausted. I don’t go to parties or like going shopping. I don’t like having people close to me, I keep my social distance and keep everyone at least a meter from me. In small stores, I always let everyone shop before me just to be alone when I shop. If I can I buy everything online. I hate public transportation and I never sit on joined seats. I sit only on single seats and if there are no single seats free I’ll stand the whole trip no matter how many joined seats are free. Past 10 years I’ve been doing my own hair, makeup, and nails cause I can’t stand strangers touching my hair or hands. 
So with all this, I’ve learned to live my life as isolated as I can. In the conditions that we’re now my life hasn’t really changed much. I’m struggling a bit because now everybody is shopping online and it is hard to find the free slots to order my delivery, but I’m managing somehow. My pantry is full for now and I do weekly fill-up shopping instead of monthly to avoid a situation in which I can’t get a date and end without any food. I don’t buy any extra amounts, I plan the meals and buy the same as every month. I just separate my monthly shopping into weekly deliveries.

As I mentioned before there are no stores where I could buy food and there is also no way to bring it from the city if the delivery fails. 
The biggest problem right now is fresh vegetables and fruits. There is a shortage of vegetables and I can’t wait for my garden to give me fruit.
But to have any fruits this year I need healthy seedlings and this year is a real struggle.

We’re back to strong north winds which cool the north part of the house and I just couldn’t get the temperature in my basement over 19°C which is too cold for my seedlings so I decided to bring every single seedling to the house and the balcony.

 The balcony is in the full sun every afternoon and the temperature is much higher than on the ground. Today while the temperature was only 8°C here on the balcony we had 15°C in shade. 
So today I brought my second foil-covered greenhouse upstairs and made a plan. 

Tomatoes and peppers will be indoors and brought outside every day to sunbathe. Cabbages have been moved to the outside greenhouse and will stay in it, for now, lettuce and onions will be out all the time and the extra greenhouse was filled with the flowers and vegetables I’ve sown today.

Tomorrow we’ll be having another frost morning so I had to bring all my seedlings indoors but hopefully, after tomorrow we should be having much warmer mornings and I’ll be able to enjoy the nice view of a balcony full of seedlings and a flower bed in colors. It is a bit crowded now but at least they are getting the sun they need. 

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  1. Mal Avatar

    Your dog knows where the warmest spot is! Like you I will be bringing all my seedlings indoors tonight as we have a frost alert. I also hope this will be the last time I need to do this.

  2. --Ana-- Avatar

    Lol, yes that's his favorite spot. Poor thing already lost his snooze place under the window where I placed the tomatoes and now I took his balcony and filled it with big shelves. By the end of seedling season he's going to hate me. 😀

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