Seedling progress week 5

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 A month after the new seedling season started, the seedlings are making good progress. The issue I thought I’d have with too cold shelves turned out to be a completely different issue: my shelves are too hot. Conditions are almost like summer. This has especially affected the brassicas, which grew huge and leggy. I’ve moved them to the upper shelf, which is now unheated and has more light, and now they have stopped growing too fast. I’ll see if the leggy ones will be ok. I’ll transplant them to deeper containers and see if that helps. If not I’ll sow them again. 

This week my chard and lettuce, which I’ve sown last, have started growing. I’ll need them around the middle of March for an early harvest in the new garden. 

Peppers are still growing well, unlike brassicas, they are the perfect height and not leggy. They seem to like these conditions.

Tomatoes are starting to get their first real leaves. Most of the seeds germinated, except for the old seeds. Still, I’ll have enough seedlings from the ones that have germinated.

Eggplants, which were planted at the same time as lettuce and chard, are also slowly starting to germinate. There aren’t many plants that grew, but if the ones that grew survive, 8 plants will be more than enough.

I’m hoping for some warmer afternoons so that I could take my overgrown seedlings out to the sun. One thing is certain, next year I will not be using heating wires if the seedlings will be growing in the living room.

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  1. Mal Avatar

    Those brassicas do like it a bit cooer!!! You are four weeks ahead of me! Everything is coming indoors tonight as it is forecast to be minus 5C.

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