Nicotiana alata – Flowering tobacco (Jasmine tobacco)
If you want a flowering tall plant that will smell deliciously in the evening then Nicotiana alata is your plant. This delicate perennial/annual plant will fill the garden with delicate flowers, and attract lots of butterflies and bees. Nicotiana alata…
Heliotropium arborescens – heliotrope
Heliotropium arborescens, a plant that was in the gardens of our grandmothers known as “the cherry pie flower” or “bradarka” was once a very popular flower. The Peru native plants have been a part of every garden in Europe, as…
Streptocarpus -cape primrose
A few weeks ago I bought two plants of Streptocarpus. The delicate leaves and flowers have been badly beaten up from the boxed delivery, so I had no idea what to expect from the plants. A few weeks later the…
Strawflowers- Xerochrysum bracteatum
Strawflowers have always fascinated me and I always wanted to have them in my garden. I’ve been trying to grow them for 3 years, but, I’ve always failed. This year I’ve finally managed to grow some wonderful strawflowers. Strawflower (Xerochysum…
Centaurea cyanus- cornflower( različak)
Blue cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) is a popular annual flowering plant typical for old flower and vegetable gardens. This beautiful small flower is a real magnet for butterflies and bees and is excellent for cuttings and dried flowers. Although they are…