
  • Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)


    Hollyhock- a biannual plant from the family of Malvaceaes is a Eurasia native flower that has been a part of our grandmothers’ gardens for many years.This plant is native…

  • Barlow columbine


    Two years ago I bought Barlow columbine seeds, “Black Barlow” and “Rose Barlow” to be exact. Now after 2 years they are finally blooming. European columbine(Aquilegia Vulgaris) can be…

  • Flowerpedia: Cosmos fizzy


    This spring I bought Cosmos fizzy mix. A mix of regular cosmoses and “fizzy variety”. Cosmos is a Mexican native plant that belongs to the family of Asteraceae. Over…

  • Flowerpedia: Columbine


    Lat. Aquilegia, Common names: Granny’s bonnet, Pakujac Columbine (Aquilegia) is a perennial plant that grows all over Northern Hemisphere. It’s one of the plants that even our grandmothers had…

  • Flowerpedia: Canna Lily


    lat. Canna indica, also known as Saka siri, Indian shot, Kana Canna lily is one of my favorite plants. It’s the native Caribbean and tropical American plant, but with proper…