Flower information

  • Streptocarpus -cape primrose


    A few weeks ago I bought two plants of Streptocarpus. The delicate leaves and flowers have been badly beaten up from the boxed delivery, so I had no idea what to expect from the plants. A few weeks later the…

  • Strawflowers- Xerochrysum bracteatum


    Strawflowers have always fascinated me and I always wanted to have them in my garden. I’ve been trying to grow them for 3 years, but, I’ve always failed. This year I’ve finally managed to grow some wonderful strawflowers. Strawflower (Xerochysum…

  • Centaurea cyanus- cornflower( različak)


    Blue cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) is a popular annual flowering plant typical for old flower and vegetable gardens. This beautiful small flower is a real magnet for butterflies and bees and is excellent for cuttings and dried flowers. Although they are…

  • Anemone- a spring poppy


    Anemones or as they call them in some parts of Europe “the spring poppy” are one of the first flowers that start growing in the spring. This herbaceous perennial plant is well known as the little white flowers that cover…

  • Flowerpedia: Ipomea – Morning glory


    Ipomea is a climber that can grow up to 5m. Although it is considered an annual plant it can be grown as perennial in places with no frost danger. Also, there are some types of Ipomea that are strictly annual…