Food preservation

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    Zucchinis: eating the whole plant


    Zucchinis are usually grown for their delicious fruits, but is the fruit the only edible thing? Or can we eat the whole plant? Zucchinis(courgettes) are a part of almost…

  • Lavender harvest


    In Croatia, June is usually a Lavender harvest month. In the coastal parts lavender flowers sooner, and in northwestern Croatia we harvest it around the end of June. The…

  • Storing red currants for winter


    June is red currant time. Like all berries, currants don’t ripe all at the same time, so they can be hard to store for winter. The usual way of…

  • Drying elderberry flowers


    Elderberry flowers are something I absolutely adore, the beautiful small white flowers, although don’t seem like it, carry loads of taste and are a great ingredient to make syrup,…

  • “Less messy avjar” or ajvar from the oven


    Last year I made ajvar for the first time in my own kitchen and completely alone. Of course, that meant that I also had to clean the ajvar mess…